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get label text of all checked checkbox in user control inside flowlayoutpanel

I'm working on a Restaurant POS system, I created a form to show all Extras that users can ask to add to there orders, here is the form :

enter image description here

Inside this form, I added a flowlayoutpanel and I added multiple user controls to this flowlayoutpanel, each user control have a PictureBox and Label and CheckBox. I'm filling the user controls in flowlayoutpanel like this :

            DB_conn._dr = DB_conn._cmd.ExecuteReader();
            while (DB_conn._dr.Read())
                Extra_uc UC = new Extra_uc
                    Extras_ID = DB_conn._dr["ID"].ToString(),
                    Extras_Price = Convert.ToDecimal(DB_conn._dr["price"].ToString()),
                    Extras_name = DB_conn._dr["name"].ToString()
                if (DB_conn._dr["image"] != DBNull.Value)
                    byte[] image = (byte[])DB_conn._dr["image"];
                    image = Decompress(image);
                    var stream = new MemoryStream();
                    stream.Write(image, 0, image.Length);
                    var bitmap = new Bitmap(stream);
                    UC.Extras_image = bitmap;
                UC.CheckBox1.CheckedChanged += UC_PictureBox1_Click;
                UC.MaterialImage.Click += UC_PictureBox1_Click;
                UC.Material_name_txt.Click += UC_PictureBox1_Click;
                UC.MaterialImage.MouseDown += UC_PictureBox1_MouseDown;
                UC.Material_name_txt.MouseDown += UC_PictureBox1_MouseDown;
                UC.MaterialImage.MouseMove += UC_PictureBox1_MouseMove;
                UC.Material_name_txt.MouseMove += UC_PictureBox1_MouseMove;


and I'm able to get label text like this:

private void UC_PictureBox1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!Food_Moved)
            string Extra_Name = "";
            CheckState checkd = CheckState.Unchecked;
            if (sender is Label lab)
                Extra_Name = lab.Tag.ToString();
            else if (sender is PictureBox btn1)
                Extra_Name = btn1.Tag.ToString();
            else if (sender is Guna.UI2.WinForms.Guna2CheckBox ck)
                checkd = ck.CheckState;


            Food_Moved = false;

I'm able to get the label text for clicked user control, What I want now is how to get all label texts for checked checkBox??


  • According to the code, you have a UserControl named Extra_uc that contains the Extras_name property which holds the name of an extra item, and a CheckBox control which its Modifiers property is set to internal/public.

    If that's the case, you can get the checked items as simple as this:

    private IEnumerable<string> GetCheckedNames() =>
        .Where(uc => uc.CheckBox1.Checked)
        .Select(uc => uc.Extras_name); // Or maybe uc.Material_name_txt.Text ?