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unable to see bubbles in bubble map of plotly/python

I am working on Ramen Ratings dataset from kaggle

I want to see the spread of no of reviews/country using scatter_geo from plotly

my code:

country_count = df['Country'].value_counts()
import as px
fig = px.scatter_geo(country_count, locations = country_count.index, size = country_count)

gave me this: plotly image

Please help


  • The complete scatter is not visible because of the default setting for the locatioinmode parameter of the scatter_geo function. It can be changed to country name when the locations are country names. The modified code is as follows:

    import pandas as pd
    import numpy as np
    import as px
    import pycountry
    df = pd.read_csv('ramen-ratings.csv')
    country_count = df['Country'].value_counts()
    country_count = country_count.reset_index().rename(columns={'index':'Country', 'Country':'Count'})
    fig = px.scatter_geo(country_count, locations='Country', locationmode='country names', size='Count')

    The graph obtained is as follows: enter image description here

    The complete documentation can be accessed here: