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How to show or hide and element when using Devexpress Cardview based on table column value

I am using Devexpress's CardView and I am doing my binding to the database like this:

    var cardView = Html.DevExpress().CardView(settings =>
      settings.Name = "MyCardView";

    @cardView.BindToEF(string.Empty, string.Empty, (s, e) =>
      e.QueryableSource = Helper.CustomerData();

Now I can add a link to the top of the card by doing this:

    var cardView = Html.DevExpress().CardView(settings =>
      settings.Name = "MyCardView";
      settings.CardLayoutProperties.Items.AddGroupItem(g =>
          g.ColSpan = 1;
          g.ShowCaption = DefaultBoolean.False;
          g.GroupBoxDecoration = GroupBoxDecoration.None;

          var cmdLayoutItem = new CardViewCommandLayoutItem();
          cmdLayoutItem.HorizontalAlign = FormLayoutHorizontalAlign.Right;

          var publicUrlButton = new CardViewCustomCommandButton();
          publicUrlButton.ID = "Link123";
          publicUrlButton.Text = "My Funny Url";


        settings.Columns.Add(c =>
            c.FieldName = "Id";
            c.Caption = "Id";
            c.ReadOnly = true;
            c.Visible = false;

        settings.Columns.Add(c =>
            c.FieldName = "IsOpen";
            c.Caption = "IsOpen";
            c.ReadOnly = true;
            c.Visible = false;

    @cardView.BindToEF(string.Empty, string.Empty, (s, e) =>
      e.QueryableSource = Helper.CustomerData();

The Helper.CustomerData() returns an IQueryable<CustomerData>. Now imagine my table CustomerData has a column called IsOpen. How can I show the publicUrlButton only when the value of IsOpen is true?


  • Finally found the solution after hours digging. Basically you can use the following event to control the behaviour:

            settings.CustomButtonInitialize = (s, e) =>
                var cv = s as MVCxCardView;
                if (cv == null)
                var isOpen = cv.GetCardValues(e.VisibleIndex, "IsOpen");
                if (!isOpen)
                    if (e.ButtonID == "Link123")
                        e.Visible = DefaultBoolean.False;