I want to use SSHLibrary to connect remote server.
*** Settings ***
Library SSHLibrary
*** Test Cases ***
${RemoteServer}= openconnection port=2123
login gfi
${username}= Executecommand pwd
But i am getting error as authentication failed
TRACE : Arguments: [ '' | port=2123 ]
TRACE : Return: 1
INFO : ${RemoteServer} = 1
TRACE : Arguments: [ '' | 'gfi' | delay='0.5 seconds' ]
INFO : Logging into '' as ''.
DEBUG : Adding ssh-ed25519 host key for []:2123: 56cde5c5d3a8494218b68ed41b4e837d
FAIL : Authentication failed for user ''.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "c:\python27\lib\site-packages\SSHLibrary\library.py", line 914, in login
is_truthy(look_for_keys), delay, proxy_cmd)
File "c:\python27\lib\site-packages\SSHLibrary\library.py", line 973, in _login
raise RuntimeError(e)
Ending test: Launchvm.Launchvm.Connection
This is first time i am using SSHLibrary .Does it require any preconditions to use SSHLibrary. Can someone help how to solve authentication failed.
You have to take a look at the arguments for SSHLibrary - Login keyword.
As seen in the documentation Login
first argument is username
However, in your code you give
as username.
login gfi
And I assume that is not the username.
You can also see this in the log message, that it try to login as
INFO : Logging into '' as ''.
If you update the code and call login keyword with username and password as expected, it should run fine.
login <username> <password>