My hair is going grey over here. I have a table with a column where i want to remove the whitespace. Expected result: "8 800 000 kr" -> "8800000kr"
I can't get this to work. Please see query output below:
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Why is the white space not removed?
When i perform the query against mock data it works:
What could be wrong with the string in the first example? Everywhere i look i looks identical to the mocked string in example 2.
Below example is for BigQuery Standard SQL and explains your problem
with `project.dataset.table` as (
select 'with spaces' space_type, '8 800 000 kr' slutpris union all
select 'with non-breaking spaces', replace('8 800 000 kr', chr(32), chr(160)) slutpris
select space_type, slutpris,
replace(slutpris, ' ', ''),
regexp_replace(slutpris, r'\s', ''),
regexp_replace(slutpris, r'\s|kr', '')
from `project.dataset.table`
with output
So, as you can see - non-breaking space is not recognized as a space character or any white space
Forgot to mention possible solution -
with `project.dataset.table` as (
select 'with spaces' space_type, '8 800 000 kr' slutpris union all
select 'with non-breaking spaces', replace('8 800 000 kr', chr(32), chr(160)) slutpris
select space_type, slutpris,
translate(slutpris, chr(32) || chr(160), ''),
regexp_replace(slutpris, '[\u00A0\\s]', ''),
regexp_replace(slutpris, '[\u00A0\\s]|kr', '')
from `project.dataset.table`
with output