I'm using Spotipy and LyricsGenius to open lyrics on a web browser from a terminal.
I can open a url for one song, but have to run the script each time to run consecutively. What are some ways to detect the end of a song using Spotipy?
import spotipy
import webbrowser
import lyricsgenius as lg
# Create our spotifyObject
spotifyObject = spotipy.Spotify(auth=token)
# Create out geniusObject
geniusObject = lg.Genius(access_token)
while True:
currently_playing = spotifyObject.currently_playing()
artist = currently_playing['item']['artists'][0]['name']
title = currently_playing['item']['name']
search_query = artist + " " + title
# if (currently_playing has changed):
song = geniusObject.search_songs(search_query)
song_url = song['hits'][0]['result']['url']
I was reading relevant threads such as this, this, and read through documentation but could not find an answer to my question if this could be handled by Spotipy. I would appreciate any suggestions, thank you.
I used time.sleep(length) with the argument 'length' standing for the remaining duration of a current track.