I'm trying to calculate the betweenness centrality of a city street network, using the Edge length property as weight, but it doesn't seem to work.
When I run without weights it gives the following results:
min: 0
mean: -nan(ind)
max: inf
stddev: -nan(ind)
and with weights:
min: 0
mean: 0
max: 0
stddev: 0
Any help would be gratelly apreciated
My implementation (in a smaller graph has worked):
struct TravelEdge {
float length = 0.0f;
struct TravelNode {
float xcoord = 0.0f;
float ycoord = 0.0f;
std::string osmid;
typedef boost::adjacency_list<
boost::vecS, boost::vecS, boost::directedS,
TravelNode, TravelEdge
> GraphMap;
typedef boost::property_map<GraphMap, boost::vertex_index_t>::type VertexIndexMap;
int main(){
GraphMap graph;
// ... loads from graphml file
std::vector<double> centrality_vector(boost::num_vertices(graph), 0.0);
VertexIndexMap v_index = get(boost::vertex_index, graph);
boost::iterator_property_map<std::vector<double>::iterator, VertexIndexMap>
vertex_property_map = make_iterator_property_map(centrality_vector.begin(), v_index);
auto weight_map = make_transform_value_property_map([](TravelEdge& e) { return e.length; }, get(boost::edge_bundle, graph));
// without weights
//boost::brandes_betweenness_centrality(graph, vertex_property_map);
// with weights
boost::brandes_betweenness_centrality(graph, boost::predecessor_map(vertex_property_map).weight_map(weight_map));
> acc;
std::for_each(centrality_vector.begin(), centrality_vector.end(), std::ref(acc));
return 0;
Well, that's awkward, turns out the code is right, my graph was somehow wrong, I regenerated it and it has worked.
After seeing the time and amount of memory it takes to load the graph, I was able to find the problem, after I made some operations on the nodes, I was inserting them in the same graph, instead of a new one.
The way the betweenness with weights function is invoked is wrong, the right way would be:
.weight_map(get(&TravelEdge::travel_time, graph))
I hope someone finds this useful 😊