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How to compute multiple levels in python Odoo

What's wrong with my code ?


If A annd B are 0 show me result = A

If A and B are not 0 then continue

If C ID is 1 Do the equation

Else if it's another ID then show me result = A

Else of all just show A

What i currently have (not working):

@api.depends('A', 'B','C')
def _compute_X(self):
        for record in self:
            if int(record.A or record.B) != 0 and int(record.C) == 1:
                record.X = record.A / record.B
                record.X = record.A


  • It depends on the type of A, B, C, and X. I am considering them of type string class.

    if int(record.A or record.B) != 0 and int(record.C) == 1:
            record.X = str(int(record.A) / int(record.B)) 
            # converting string to int while doing math operation and then converting the result to strting.
        record.X = record.A