I want to use a multidimensional index matrix to access another multidimensional matrix. My problem is, that methods such as np.newaxis are not working because of broadcasting issues (mismatch of shapes).
My data matrix has a shape of (5001, 3, 240, 16).
import numpy as np
# n_examples, n_channels, n_pictures, n_meta_information
data = np.ones((5001, 3, 240, 16))
# select randomly 32 examples
batch_size = 32
possible_indices = np.arange(5001, dtype=np.int)
random_example_indices = np.random.choice(possible_indices, size=batch_size, replace=True)
# select all three channels
n_channels = 3
channel_indices = np.arange(n_channels)
#channel_indices = np.expand_dims(channel_indices , axis=0)
#channel_indices = np.repeat(channel_indices, batch_size, axis=0)
final_pictures_indices = []
for random_sample_idx in range(batch_size):
# select a random start index and take 120 successive indices
# is the same for all three channels
start_index = np.random.randint(0, max(1, 240 - 120 + 1))
end_index = start_index + 120
pictures_indices = np.arange(start_index , end_index , dtype=np.int)
# batch_size x n_pictures
final_pictures_indices = np.array(final_pictures_indices)
# should have the shape: (32, 3, 120, 16)
result = data[random_example_indices[:, np.newaxis], channel_indices, final_pictures_indices].shape
Unfortunately I got the following error:
result = data[random_example_indices[:, np.newaxis], channel_indices, final_pictures_indices].shape
IndexError: shape mismatch: indexing arrays could not be broadcast together with shapes (32,1) (3,) (32,120)
I have also tried to fuse all the index information into a single matrix but there I had the problem that stacking matrices with different shapes is not possible.
Thank you for every tip.
your indexing arrays need to be able to broadcast against each other, i.e. from the right, have either your expected final dimension, 1, or not exist. So:
result = data[random_example_indices[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis], # (32, 1, 1)
channel_indices[:, np.newaxis], # (3, 1)
final_pictures_indices[:, np.newaxis, :].shape # (32, 1, 120)
That should get you the expected shape.