Let's say I have a table called Students
id name course date_admitted
1 Pankesh EEE 2020-10-21 07:52:30.977
2 Pankesh IT 2020-11-03 11:53:20.976
3 Pankesh CE 2020-09-11 08:30:29.975
What I want to retrieve is the latest record
2 Pankesh IT 2020-11-03 11:53:20.976
What is the SQL
Query Statement for this instance?
If you want just one row, you can order by
and fetch
select s.*
from students s
order by date_admitted desc
offset 0 rows fetch first 1 row only
Or using top()
select top (1) s.*
from students s
order by date_admitted desc
On the other hand, if you want the latest row per student, then it is a top 1 per group problem. You can use window functions:
select s.*
from (
select s.*,
row_number() over(partition by name order by date_admitted desc) rn
from students s
) t
where rn = 1