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Vapor 4 Fluent create Model doesn't save it to the database

I am just starting using Vapor 4, and I created a POC to test how to save a Model into a local mySQL database.

Here is the code I am using for the controller that is supposed to save the model to the database.

public class ProductController {
static func create(req: Request) throws -> HTTPStatus {
    do {
        let input = try req.content.decode(Product.self)
        let product = Product(name:, imageUrl: input.imageUrl, priceAmount: input.priceAmount, priceCurrencyCode: input.priceCurrencyCode, category: input.category)
        let _ = input.create(on: req.db).map {
            print("Product saved")
        return HTTPStatus.ok
    } catch {
        return HTTPStatus.badRequest

For some reason, "Product saved" never gets printed, so the closure is never called. When I check in the database, the table products is always empty.

Thank you in advance for your help!



  • Try saving the product instead of the input:

    return product.create(on: req.db).map { print("Product saved") }
           .transform(to: .ok)