I am trying to get the working days of a given week on a given month.
This is my current data, as example:
year month week
2020 6 1
2020 6 2
2020 6 3
2020 6 4
2020 6 5
2020 7 1
2020 7 2
2020 7 3
2020 7 4
2020 7 5
The expected result:
year month week work_days
2020 6 1 5
2020 6 2 5
2020 6 3 5
2020 6 4 5
2020 6 5 2
2020 7 1 3
2020 7 2 5
2020 7 3 5
2020 7 4 5
2020 7 5 5
So as you can see I have year, month and week of the month but I can't get my head around how to get the working days for the week in R for any week of any month.
Thanks in advance
cal <- data.table(dates = seq.Date(ymd(20200601), ymd(20200731), by = "day")) %>%
.[, .(dates,
year = year(dates),
month = month(dates),
week = isoweek(dates), # new week starts on monday
weekday = !(weekdays(dates) %in% c("Sunday", "Saturday"))
cal[, .(work_days = sum(weekday)), by = .(year, month, week)
][, week := rowid(month)][]