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PHP curl API request works. Using explode to make array, not giving key value pairs desired

Like the title says I am getting the API response just fine. I've cleaned the response data up several different ways. When attempting to use explode, I cannot get it to assign the string as the key and value pairs needed. I'll post some of the data below. If I need to delimit the data differently for ease, I will. Tried dozens of examples over the last fourteen hours. Please help!

# Find the part of the string after the description
$mysearchstring = 'color';

# Minus one keeps the quote mark in front of color
$position = (stripos($response, $mysearchstring)-1);

#This selects the text after the description to the end of the file
$after_descrip = substr($response, $position);

echo "</br>__________Show the data after the description________________</br>";
echo $after_descrip;

echo "</br>__________Show the cleaned data________________</br>";
$cleaned = $after_descrip;
$cleaned1 = str_replace('{', "", $cleaned);
$cleaned2 = str_replace('}', "", $cleaned1);
$cleaned3 = str_replace('[', "", $cleaned2);
$cleaned4 = str_replace(']', "", $cleaned3);
$cleaned5 = str_replace('https://', "", $cleaned4);
$cleaned6 = str_replace('"', "", $cleaned5);

echo $cleaned6;

echo "</br>__________Explode is next________________</br>";

#Turn the string into an array but not the array I want 
$last_half = explode(':', $cleaned6);


The cleaned data looks like this:


The resulting array looks like this:

Array ( [0] => color [1] => #3C3C3D,iconType [2] => vector,iconUrl [3] =>,websiteUrl [4] =>,socials [5] => name [6] => ethereum,url [7] =>,type [8] => twitter,name [9] => ethereum,url [10] =>,type [11] => reddit,name [12] => ethtrader,url [13] =>

Color should be the first key, #3C3C3D should be the first value. The rest of the data should follow that format.

What do you think is the best way to go? Thank you.



  • Just one more step...

    $last_half = explode(',', $cleaned6);
    foreach($last_half as $item){
        list($k, $v) = explode(':', $item);
        $result[$k] = $v;    