For this simple plot I want to enlarge the figure size but I want to keep the actual plot size. How is this possible? Until now I found just a lot of possibilities which changed both sizes together.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.plot([-1, -4.5, 16, 23, 15, 59])
You can achieve a constant axes sizes by addind the axes manually.
In my code example I introduce an scale factor sc
which determines the ratio of figure and axes size.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
gr = (1 + np.sqrt(5))/2
sc = 2
fig_w = 3 * gr * sc
fig_h = 3 * sc
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(fig_w, fig_h))
panel_width = 1/sc
panel_height = 1/sc
off = (1 - 1/sc) / 2
ax = fig.add_axes([off, off, panel_width, panel_height])
ax.plot([-1, -4.5, 16, 23, 15, 59])