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Text styles used in Settings app for titles and subtitles

which text styles are used for the titles and subtitles in the Settings app? I tried using the following, but none of these produced the same result.

enter image description here

Title text

  • android:textAppearance="?android:titleTextAppearance"

  • android:textAppearance="?attr/title"

Subtitle text

  • android:textAppearance="?android:subtitleTextAppearance"

  • android:textAppearance="?attr/subtitle"


  • Text style is often not enough to achieve a particular style, you often need to set color too. In this case, I suspect they use Google Material Components styles. It's hard to judge the appropriate font size here given your font scale, but here's what I think they use:

    • Title

    • Subtitle


    enter image description here

    They also use a special font.