Currently, I solve my initial problem with this topic: Hadoop/Hive - Split a single row into multiple rows and store to a new table.
Does anyone have a clue how to create a new table with the grouped subs?
ID Subs
1 deep-learning, machine-learning, python
2 java, c++, python, javascript
with the code below I get the return I'm looking for but could not figure out how to save the output into a new table
use demoDB
Select id_main , topic_tag from demoTable
lateral view explode (split(topic_tag , ',')) topic_tag as topic
Thanks Nico
In Hive, you can use create ... as select ...
create table newtable as
select id_main, topic_tag
from demoTable
lateral view explode (split(topic_tag , ',')) topic_tag as topic
This creates a new table and initiates its content from the resultset of the query. If the new table exists already, then use insert ... select
insert into newtable (id_main, topic_tag)
select id_main, topic_tag
from demoTable
lateral view explode (split(topic_tag , ',')) topic_tag as topic