I have written some code in Jupyter Notebook, that runs locally on my windows PC. When it imports folders i use "\".
However i have just moved all the folders to my google drive, & opened it with Colab. Now the in the directory path the folders are separated with "/", thus giving error.
How do I import foders regardless of whether i am running it locally on my PC, or online.
# added this bit so i can import and run the code in colab
import os
from google.colab import drive
os.chdir('/content/drive/My Drive/Dashboarding_Project/Folder_with_all_IV_curves/Python_IV')
import pandas as pd
import os
import re
#these variables contain hte excell file with hte mask info & the file with the batch info
meta_mask_name = "MASK-1_2020-03-01.xlsx"
meta_batch_name = "BATCH-1-2_2020-8-20--EXAMPLE.xlsx"
#This is the main directory of the foler structure
path_parent = os.path.dirname(os.getcwd())
print("Main folder: ", path_parent)
print("Folders: ", os.listdir(path_parent))
print (os.listdir(path_parent +r"\MASK_META")) # this gives error now that i am using it online.
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/content/drive/My Drive/Dashboarding_Project/Folder_with_all_IV_curves\\MASK_META'
I am using both Colab and Jupiter becuase:
My end objective is to have:
Maybe someone has a solution to this problem that avoids the main quesiton.
Instead of os
module, one can use pathlib module, available from Python 3.4.
module provides an API for filesystem operations. pathlib.Path class is a portable representation for filesystem paths for all supported platforms:
from pathlib import Path
# Print the user's home directory
# Windows example output:
# WindowsPath('C:/Users/username')
# Linux example output:
# PosixPath('/home/username')
works with forward slash path separators on all platforms. Below is a Windows example:
# WindowsPath('C:/Users')
However backslash will not work on all platforms as expected:
Path.home().joinpath('..\\').resolve() # Note double backslash is required for backslash escaping
# On Windows:
# WindowsPath('C:/Users')
# On Linux:
# PosixPath('/home/username/..\\')
My recommendation is to use Posix-like paths (forward slash separators) on all platforms with pathlib.Path providing the mapping of path separators.
Rewriting the code in the question to use pathlib:
from pathlib import Path
path_parent = Path.cwd().parent
def dir_contents_as_string(directory):
# Explicit conversion of Path to str is required by str.join()
return ", ".join(str(path) for path in directory.iterdir())
print("Main folder: ", str(path_parent))
print("Main folder contents: ", dir_contents_as_string(path_parent))