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How can I use scoped_allocator_adaptor with a custom allocator (wrapped in a class) so that it can be unwrapped for some types but not STL containers?

I have no idea how to better word my question.

My understanding of std::scoped_allocator_adaptor is that it would take the allocator instance passed to a container and use that for the construction of elements/containers constructed in the container via emplace_back, IF they require such an allocator argument).

I have the following, it's a bit lengthy, but it was the minimum I could make that illustrates what I'm trying to do:

#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <scoped_allocator>
#include <concepts>

namespace custom_memory
    class CustomAllocator
        CustomAllocator(const std::size_t sizeBytes,
                        void* const start)


        void* Allocate(const std::size_t& numBytes,
                       const std::uintptr_t& alignment)
            std::size_t space = m_sizeBytes - m_usedBytes;
            if(std::align(alignment, numBytes, m_current, space))
                // the amount used for alignment
                m_usedBytes += (m_sizeBytes-m_usedBytes) - space;
                // the amount actually needed
                m_usedBytes += numBytes;

                void* address = m_current;

                m_current = reinterpret_cast<void*>(
                    reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t>(m_current) + numBytes);

                return address;
            throw std::bad_alloc();

        void Free(void* const ptr)
            // do nothing in this Allocator, but other derived types may

        void Clear()
            m_current = m_start;
            m_usedBytes = 0;

        std::size_t GetSize() const { return m_sizeBytes; }

        const std::size_t m_sizeBytes;
        std::size_t m_usedBytes;
        void* const m_start;
        void* m_current;
    // many types derive from base CustomAllocator type

    // allows for my custom allocators to be used in STL containers
    template<typename T, typename Alloc>
    class STLAdaptor

        typedef T value_type;

        STLAdaptor(Alloc* allocator)


        [[nodiscard]] constexpr T* allocate(std::size_t n)
            return reinterpret_cast<T*>
                (m_allocator->Allocate(n * sizeof(T), alignof(T)));

        constexpr void deallocate(T* p, std::size_t n)

        std::size_t MaxAllocationSize() const
            return m_allocator->GetSize();

        Alloc* m_allocator;

    template<typename T, typename Allocator>
    using vector = std::vector<T,
        std::scoped_allocator_adaptor<STLAdaptor<T, Allocator>>>;

// overloads of global new and delete so I can use them with
// my custom allocators
void* operator new(std::size_t size, custom_memory::CustomAllocator& allocator,
                   std::uintptr_t alignment)
    return allocator.Allocate(size, alignment);

void operator delete(void* ptr, custom_memory::CustomAllocator& allocator)

// a type that needs an allocator for it's own internal use
template<typename A>
requires std::derived_from<A, custom_memory::CustomAllocator>
struct Foo
    A* m_allocator;
    int* m_foos;

    Foo(A* a)
        m_foos(new (*a, alignof(int)) int(7))


    Foo(const Foo<A>& other)
        m_foos(new (*m_allocator, alignof(int)) int(*(other.m_foos)))


        operator delete (m_foos, *m_allocator);

    Foo<A>& operator=(const Foo<A>& rhs)
        m_allocator = rhs.m_allocator;
        *m_foos = *(rhs.m_foos);

        return *this;

int main()
    const std::size_t memSize = 10000000;
    void* mem = std::malloc(memSize);

    typedef Foo<custom_memory::CustomAllocator> FooType;

    custom_memory::CustomAllocator customAlloc(memSize, mem);

    // this works
        std::vector<FooType, custom_memory::STLAdaptor<FooType,


    // this works

        vec.emplace_back(&customAlloc); // <-- I don't want to pass this

    // this doesn't work

        vec.emplace_back(); // <--- I thought scoped_allocator_adaptor
                            // would pass the allocator to constructed
                            // elements?

    // this also doesn't work
        typedef std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>,
        custom_memory::STLAdaptor<char, custom_memory::CustomAllocator>>




    return 0;

I have a CustomAllocator that is derived from a base (not shown) and there's a bunch of different allocators derived from this base.

I have an STLAdaptor which allows that CustomAllocator to be used in STL containers. This is a templated class because of the many different allocators mentioned above (I actually have specialisations of STLAdaptor as well for the different allocators, not shown).

I've tried to typedef an std::vector which uses my STLAdaptor wrapped CustomAllocator within an std::scoped_allocator_adaptor.

I then overload the global new and delete to accept a CustomAllocator to make the allocations.

Finally, I have a class that requires a CustomAllocator where internally it uses it to allocate memory for internal types (this is my use case).

You can see in my tests that I can:

  1. Make an std::vector that successfully uses my STLAdaptor wrapped CustomAllocator. I can populate it with Foo<CustomerAllocator> types.

  2. I can use my typedef of the std::scoped_allocator_adaptor std::vector. But I need to explicitly pass the CustomAllocator instance to the internal type

  3. I can't ommit it, but I would like to

  4. I would like to also use other STL containers as well

I am pretty sure the problem is that std::scoped_allocator_adaptor has an STLAdaptor allocator, not a CustomAllocator. But then I can't get it to work with an std::string either, but I think that has to do with the STLAdaptor having different types between the std::vector and the std::string (is this where rebind comes into play?

I am using GCC 10.2.0 and C++20

Any help would be appreciated.


  • I am pretty sure the problem is that std::scoped_allocator_adaptor has an STLAdaptor allocator, not a CustomAllocator.

    That's correct as far as it goes. scoped_allocator_adaptor is going to pass down what it has, not some other type it doesn't know about.

    Additionally, scoped_allocator_adaptor will use uses_allocator to determine if the type uses the allocator. That trait defaults to looking at whether the type defines a member type allocator_type to which the allocator can be converted.

    But then I can't get it to work with an std::string either, but I think that has to do with the STLAdaptor having different types between the std::vector and the std::string (is this where rebind comes into play?

    Correct. STLAdaptor doesn't meet the allocator requirements.