I created this function to make the button do a sound when i click it, the sound file is mp3 located in raw/button_click.mp3
directory .
fun play_sound(which_one:Int) {
if(which_one == 1){
val mediaPlayer:MediaPlayer? = MediaPlayer.create(Context,R.raw.button_click)
But i get the following error when i run it Unresolved reference: Context
How should I edit my code to solve this problem?
By the way just ignore the if statement for now it always turns true for this stage of development.
Unresolved reference: Context
You receive the following error because you are using the Class instead of your variable name as parameter.
fun play_sound(which_one:Int) {
if(which_one == 1) {
val mediaPlayer:MediaPlayer? = MediaPlayer.create(Context,R.raw.button_click)
There are also different kind of Contexts in Android.
You have your Application, Activity, and Fragment Context, which is also tied to different lifecycles depending on what Context you used.
If this function is a member of your Activity.
fun play_sound(which_one:Int) {
if(which_one == 1) {
val mediaPlayer:MediaPlayer? = MediaPlayer.create(this@YourActivityHere,R.raw.button_click)
fun play_sound(which_one:Int) {
if(which_one == 1) {
val mediaPlayer:MediaPlayer? = MediaPlayer.create(requireContext(),R.raw.button_click)