ive the following table format(rather its a view), with a sample example
Name | MonthYear | Type | budget | actual | revenue_forecast
google | Nov-20 | Gross Billing | 50 | 70 | 40
I want to make it so that i have two rows, with the 'revenue_forecast' becoming a type, and its value to display under budget, like so
Name | MonthYear | Type | budget | actual
google | Nov-20 | Gross Billing | 50 | 70
google | Nov-20 | revenue_forecast | 40 | null
any ideas how this can be done? struggling a bit with the unpivot logic for this scenario
You may try to unpivot using VALUES
table value constructor, but consider carefully the data types of the columns:
SELECT t.Name, t.MonthYear, v.[Type], v.budget, v.actual
FROM YourTable t
(t.[type], t.budget, t.actual),
('revenue_forecast', t.revenue_forecast, NULL)
) v ([type], budget, actual)
The following full query can be used to test this:
declare @table Table
Name varchar(50),
MonthYear varchar(10),
Type Varchar(50),
budget int,
actual int,
revenue_forecast int
INSERT INTO @table (Name, MonthYear, Type, budget, actual, revenue_forecast)
Values('google', 'Nov-20','Gross Billing',50,70,40)
select * from @table
SELECT t.Name, t.MonthYear, v.[Type], v.budget, v.actual
FROM @table t
(t.[type], t.budget, t.actual),
('revenue_forecast', t.revenue_forecast, NULL)
) v ([type], budget, actual)