We have a pipeline with operations, split into 2 workloads - Source -> Transform
are in a first group and are CPU-intensive workloads, they are put into the same slot sharing group, lets say source
. And Sink
, RAM-intensive workload, as it uses Bulk upload and holds amount of data in memory. It's sent to sink
slot sharing group.
Additionally, we have a different parallelism level of Source -> Transform
workload and Sink
workload as the first one is limited by source parallelism. So, for example, we have Source -> Transform
parallelism of 50, meanwhile Sink
parallelism equal to 78. And we have 8 TMs, each with 16 cores (and therefore slots).
In this case, the ideal slots allocation strategy for us seems to be allocating 6-7 slots on each TM for Source -> Transform
, and the rest - for Sink
leading CPU-RAM workloads to be roughly evenly distributed across all TMs.
So, I wonder whether there is some config setting which will tell to distribute slot sharing groups evenly ?
I only found cluster.evenly-spread-out-slots config parameter, but I'm not sure whether it actually evenly distributes slot sharing groups, not only slots - for example, I get TMs with 10 Source -> Transform
tasks meanwhile I would expect 6 or 7.
So, the question is whether it is possible to tell Flink to dsitribute slot sharing groups evenly across cluster ? Or probably there is any other possibility to do it ?
Distribute a Flink operator evenly across taskmanagers seems a bit similar to my question, but I'm mostly asking about slot sharing groups distribution. This topic also contains only suggestion of using cluster.evenly-spread-out-slots but probably something has changed since then.
I was able to find a workaround to get the even distribution of slot sharing groups.
Starting from flink 1.9.2, even tasks distribution feature has been introduced, which can be turned on via cluster.evenly-spread-out-slots: true
in the flink-conf.yaml
: FLINK-12122 Spread out tasks evenly across all available registered TaskManagers. I tried to enable it and it didn't work. After digging a bit, I managed to find the developer's comment which stated that this feature works only in standalone mode as it requires resources to be preliminary pre-allocated - https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-12122?focusedCommentId=17013089&page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel#comment-17013089":
the feature only guarantees spreading out tasks across the set of TMs which are registered at the time of scheduling. Hence, when you are using the active Yarn mode and submit the first job, then there won't be any TMs registered. Consequently, Flink will allocate the first container, fill it up and then only allocate a new container. However, if you start Flink in standalone mode or after your first job finishes on Yarn there are still some TMs registered, then the next job would be spread out.
So, the idea is to start a detached yarn session with the increased idle containers timeout setting, first submit some short living fake job, which will simply acquires the required amount of resources from YARN and completes, and then start immediately the main pipeline which will be assigned to already allocated containers and in this case the cluster.evenly-spread-out-slots: true
does the trick and distributes all slot sharing groups evenly.
So, to sum up, the following was done to get the evenly distributed slot sharing groups within the job:
was increased to allow the main job be submitted before the container released for an idle task manager. I increased this to 1 minute and this was more then enough.yarn-session
and submitted job dynamically to it.val env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment
val job = env
.map { x =>
x * 2
val jobResult = env.execute("Resources pre-allocation job")
print("Done. Starting main job!")