I used this alret
- alert: my alert
expr: status{status="ERROR"}
for: 30m
severity: WARNING
myData: "{{ $labels.myData }}"
myData2: "{{ $labels.myData2 }}"
I got an error ERROR - templates/: parse error in "prometheus/templates/alertmanager-prometheusRule.yaml": template: prometheus/templates/alertmanager-prometheusRule.yaml:419: undefined variable "$labels"
I saw the same issue in
but I didn't understand how to solve it
in the configuration I used this data
text: "{{ range .Alerts -}}{{ .Annotations.myData }}{{ .Annotations.myData2}}{{ end-}}"
The error is from helm lint
It seems you are deploying your Prometheus setup via a helm chart.
This causes an issue as the same delimiters ({{
and }}
) are used both by helm templating and the alerting templating in Prometheus.
The {{ $labels.myData }}
has to reach prometheus config intact, so helm must not process it.
The simplest way would be to use:
{{ "{{" }} $labels.myData }}
The {{ "{{" }}
block will be processed by helm and will produce {{
as a result with rest of the line not being altered and will get you the result you need.