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OData with EFCore - why no WHERE clause?

I haven't messed with OData in a while, but I remember it being really useful. So I've gone for a .NetCore 3.1 EFCore + OData architecture for my API. With a view to make it fully generic etc. etc.

Doing a little test, I can get the expected results from my browser: e.g.


Cool I get back the JSON I was expecting! But it's sooo slow, why? Looking at the SQL (Profiler) I can see it has no WHERE clause, it's getting everything from the database and filtering it in memory, on half a million records?

What am I missing here? I've tried a number of ways to write the GET method. Starting with not passing any queryOptions (which worked! but same result underneath) and then the below where I explicitly apply the options to by EFCore entity.

        public async Task<IEnumerable<thing>> GetThingsAsync(ODataQueryOptions<thing> queryOptions)
           return await queryOptions.ApplyTo(DB.thing).Cast<thing>().ToListAsync();


  • The result set is being loaded in memory because you're calling ToListAsync() and returning an IEnumerable.

    If your GetThingsAsync method returns an IQueryable<T> (instead of IEnumerable<T>), then the query will be applied to the database and only the filtered data will be fetched.

    If DB.thing is an EFCore DbSet (which implements IQueryable<T>), then you can simplify your method as

    public Task GetThingsAsync()
      return DB.thing;

    Furthermore, like some in the comment already mentioned, the correct syntax for filtering in your case would be ?$filter=someidfield eq 44