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Problem with Google cloud SQL and Google pubsub together :Error A database name must be provided

I have a rest application which which talks to google cloud sql and based on some data and I will sent data to pubsub topic. I have developing this two phase. Phase 1 getting data from cloudsql. I have successfully completed this and unit & integration test cases are working fine. In second step i have included google pubsub dependency.


when added this I am getting following error

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: A database name must be provided.

As i understand after debugging once include the above dependency the code / testing code doesnt refer application.yml file

Note: In application YML file i use spring datasource uRL to connect to Cloud SQL database (which has db name, cloud sql socket factory, cloud instance and username / password) I dont use GCP specific properties for database. For refering google project id use google:cloud:gcp: project-id:


  • I have solved the problem by removing spring-cloud-gcp-starter-pubsub dependency and added the google pubsub dependency.


    However still could not find out the root cause of error