I am trying to allow users to input a variable using radio button while giving the option for free text (if none of the listed objects fits the desired input). I could not find a way through searching online. I am still new to flexdashboard/shiny.
I created this reprex below . what I am trying to do is to add a fourth radio button that has a free text option. Any suggestion?
thank you
title: "example2"
runtime: shiny
orientation: rows
vertical_layout: fill
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
Column {data-width=650}
### Chart A
radioButtons("nm", "What is your name??",
c("jo" = "John",
"pe" = "Peter",
"da" = "David"))
actionButton("execute", "enter")
Column {data-width=350}
### Chart B
phrase = eventReactive(input$execute, {
paste("Hi", input$nm, sep=" ")
You can use updateRadioButtons
to update the radio buttons choices:
choices = c( "jo"="John",
radioButtons("nm", "What is your name??", choices)
textInput("other", "other")
observeEvent(input$other, {
if(!is.null(input$other) && input$other != "")
updateRadioButtons(session, "nm", choices = c(choices, input$other),
selected = input$other)})
actionButton("execute", "enter")