Given the following considerations:
I am thinking of a Lambda function, that queries the "Configuration service" (possibly caching the response), and then setting globally scoped variables (e.g. window.config1
) for the SPA to use. Is such a scenario possible through CloudFront? Is there a more common/standardized way?
Yes you can do this, I have done it! (Been meaning to write a blog about it.
I work on a multi-tenant SAAS platform, where tenants have their own identity provider configuration for Cognito. What I did was I had a file config.js
, looks something like this which had a bunch of Cognito settings: (I'm using ReactJS)
window.TENANT_CONFIG = {
This tile is included as a javascript script at the top of my index.html
<script type="text/javascript" src="%PUBLIC_URL%/config.js"></script>
You need a Lambda function in us-east-1
which will become a Lambda at Edge in your Cloudfront distribution. This function must be only 128 MB
and have no environment variables. You can refer to this documentation on how to create the Lambda function. But in general you need to construct the window.TEN...
. You can read the event.Records[0].cf.request.headers['host'][0].value
to determine wether your call came from one domain or the other, and construct the appropriate config.js
file. My Lambda function actually reads configuration from an S3 bucket. Yours will be different.
If you can generate the correct certificate, you only need one CloudFront
domain actually. Just make sure you have added the CNames of all the different subdomains. Then you need to add a behaviour with a path pattern of: config.js
. Configure a Lambda Function Associations
of Viewer Request
and Specify your Lambda Function ARN
. And you are good to go!