I'm trying to foldLeft
on a HList with an accumulator of type (HL, Int)
, where HL
is a HList. The program below does not compile. However, if I switch to a simpler accumulator of type HL
(by just switching the commented lines with the ones above), it compiles and it works.
Wrapping an HList in a tuple breaks the implicit resolution for the leftFolder. What am I missing?
package foo.bar
import shapeless.{:+:, ::, CNil, Coproduct, Generic, HList, HNil, Lazy, Poly2}
import shapeless.ops.hlist.{LeftFolder, Reverse}
object StackOverflow extends App {
trait MyTypeclass[T] {
def doSomething(t: T): (T, Int)
implicit lazy val stringInstance: MyTypeclass[String] = (t: String) => (t, 0)
implicit val hnilInstance: MyTypeclass[HNil] = (t: HNil) => (t, 0)
implicit def hlistInstance[H, T <: HList](
head: Lazy[MyTypeclass[H]],
tail: MyTypeclass[T]
): MyTypeclass[H :: T] =
(ht: H :: T) =>
ht match {
case h :: t =>
val (hres, hint) = head.value.doSomething(h)
val (tres, tint) = tail.doSomething(t)
(hres :: tres, hint + tint)
implicit val cnilInstance: MyTypeclass[CNil] = (t: CNil) => ???
implicit def coproductInstance[L, R <: Coproduct](
head: Lazy[MyTypeclass[L]],
tail: MyTypeclass[R]
): MyTypeclass[L :+: R] = (lr: L :+: R) => ???
object leftFolder extends Poly2 {
implicit def caseAtSimple[F, HL <: HList]: Case.Aux[HL, F, F :: HL] =
at {
case (acc, f) => f :: acc
implicit def caseAtComplex[F, HL <: HList]: Case.Aux[(HL, Int), F, (F :: HL, Int)] =
at {
case ((acc, i), f) => (f :: acc, i)
implicit def genericInstance[T, HL <: HList, LL <: HList](
gen: Generic.Aux[T, HL],
myTypeclass: Lazy[MyTypeclass[HL]],
// folder: LeftFolder.Aux[HL, HNil, leftFolder.type, LL],
folder: LeftFolder.Aux[HL, (HNil, Int), leftFolder.type, (LL, Int)],
reverse: Reverse.Aux[LL, HL]
): MyTypeclass[T] = (t: T) => {
val generic = gen.to(t)
val (transformed, idx) = myTypeclass.value.doSomething(generic)
// val ll = transformed.foldLeft(HNil: HNil)(leftFolder)
val (ll, _) = transformed.foldLeft((HNil: HNil, 0))(leftFolder)
val reversed = reverse(ll)
(gen.from(reversed), idx)
def doSomething[T](t: T)(implicit myTypeclass: MyTypeclass[T]): T = myTypeclass.doSomething(t)._1
case class Foo(
str1: String,
str2: String
val original = Foo("Hello World!", "Hello there!")
val result = doSomething(original)
println(result == original)
You want implicits to do too much work in a single step.
Try to add one more type parameter Out
implicit def genericInstance[T, HL <: HList, Out, LL <: HList](
gen: Generic.Aux[T, HL],
myTypeclass: Lazy[MyTypeclass[HL]],
//folder: LeftFolder.Aux[HL, (HNil, Int), leftFolder.type, (LL, Int)],
folder: LeftFolder.Aux[HL, (HNil, Int), leftFolder.type, Out],
ev: Out <:< (LL, Int), // added
reverse: Reverse.Aux[LL, HL]
): MyTypeclass[T] = (t: T) => {
val generic = gen.to(t)
val (transformed, idx) = myTypeclass.value.doSomething(generic)
//val (ll, _) = transformed.foldLeft((HNil: HNil, 0))(leftFolder)
val (ll, _) = ev(transformed.foldLeft((HNil: HNil, 0))(leftFolder))
val reversed = reverse(ll)
(gen.from(reversed), idx)
Read about over-constrained implicits:
https://books.underscore.io/shapeless-guide/shapeless-guide.html#sec:type-level-programming:chaining (4.3 Chaining dependent functions)
Scala shapeless Generic.Aux implicit parameter not found in unapply
Extract FieldType key and value from HList
How to implicitly figure out the type at the head of a shapeless HList
How to infer inner type of Shapeless record value with unary type constructor?