I have a list like:
<cfset list ="group 1:1; group 2:4; group a:7; group 1:3; group a:1;">
What I want to do is count (sum up) how many people are in group 1, group 2, group a, etc.. Now these fields are dynamic, so I don't know the exact name of the groups.
So the end result in this example is:
group 1: 4
group 2: 4
group a: 8
So the list is just an example, in reality it's much bigger with more groups (dynamic names). I'm using Coldfusion/Lucee. Can someone help me with this?
Just one of numerous of possible alternative ways of doing this. Starting from using a query instead of a list as the starting value.
What I am doing is to loop the list with ;
as delimiter and adding the values to a structure. I later use that structure to loop and list the final total.
<cfset list ="group 1:1; group 2:4; group a:7; group 1:3; group a:1;">
<cfset totalStruct = {}>
<cfloop list="#list#" item="group" delimiters=';'>
<cfset groupName = listFirst(group, ':')>
<cfset groupNameKey = replace(groupName, ' ', '', 'all')>
<cfset groupValue = val(listLast(group, ':'))>
<cfif !structKeyExists(totalStruct, groupNameKey)>
<cfset totalStruct[groupNameKey] = {name:groupName, total=groupValue}>
<cfset totalStruct[groupNameKey].total += groupValue>
<cfloop collection="#totalStruct#" item="group">
<li>#totalStruct[group].name# : #totalStruct[group].total#</li>