I have the following data frame called sentences
data = ["Home of the Jacksons"], ["Is it the real thing?"], ["What is it with you?"], [ "Tomatoes are the best"] [ "I think it's best to path ways now"]
sentences = pd.DataFrame(data, columns = ['sentence'])
And a dataframe called stopwords:
data = [["the"], ["it"], ["best"], [ "is"]]
stopwords = pd.DataFrame(data, columns = ['word'])
I want to remove all stopwords from sentences["sentence"]. I tried the code below but it does not work. I think there is an issue with my if statement. Can anyone help?
Def remove_stopwords(input_string, stopwords_list):
stopwords_list = list(stopwords_list)
my_string_split = input_string.split(' ')
my_string = []
for word in my_string_split:
if word not in stopwords_list:
my_string = " ".join(my_string)
return my_string
sentence['cut_string']= sentence.apply(lambda row: remove_stopwords(row['sentence'], stopwords['word']), axis=1)
When I apply the function, it just returns the first or first few strings in the sentence but does not cut out stopwords at all. Kinda stuck here
You can convert stopwords word to list and remove those words from sentences using list comprehension,
stopword_list = stopwords['word'].tolist()
sentences['filtered] = sentences['sentence'].apply(lambda x: ' '.join([i for i in x.split() if i not in stopword_list]))
You get
0 Home of Jacksons
1 Is real thing?
2 What with you?
3 Tomatoes are
4 I think it's to path ways now
Or you can wrap the code in a function,
def remove_stopwords(input_string, stopwords_list):
my_string = []
for word in input_string.split():
if word not in stopwords_list:
return " ".join(my_string)
stopword_list = stopwords['word'].tolist()
sentences['sentence'].apply(lambda row: remove_stopwords(row, stopword_list))