My input is a varchar payload (that is actually made of hexadecimal characters). I would like to convert it to bits, then truncate the result to decode it. I already have a built-in function (hexstrtovarbin) that works correctly and that converts varchars into varbinaries.
For example, for an input "4d", I would like to convert it into bits (01001101) then truncate the first 6 digits, before converting them into an integer (and get eventually 19).
DECLARE @payload varchar(4), @binarypayload binary(1), @converted smallint;
SET @payload = '4d';
SET @binarypayload = hexstrtovarbin(@payload);
SET @converted = CAST(SUBSTRING(@binarypayload, 1, 6) AS int)
If I proceed like this, @converted takes 77 as value. This is because @binarypayload value is "TQ==" (and not actual bits), so the substring does not truncate it.
I have tried to use bit data type, but could not store more than 1 of them.
Would anyone know how to get the actual bits in order to truncate them?
it can be messy but this is my answer, according to your data in the question:
declare @intvalue int
set @intvalue= CONVERT(int, CONVERT(varbinary(max), '4d', 2) )
declare @vsresult varchar(16)
declare @inti int
select @inti = 16, @vsresult = ''
declare @Input varchar(16)
--translating ex string in binary digits
while @inti>0
select @vsresult=convert(char(1), @intvalue % 2)+@vsresult
select @intvalue = convert(int, (@intvalue / 2)), @inti=@inti-1
set @Input= left(@vsresult,LEN(@vsresult)-2) -- here your input string without last two digits, 00000000010011
--now return integer value
DECLARE @Cnt tinyint = 1
DECLARE @Len tinyint = LEN(@Input)
DECLARE @Output bigint = CAST(SUBSTRING(@Input, @Len, 1) AS bigint)
WHILE(@Cnt < @Len) BEGIN
SET @Output = @Output + POWER(CAST(SUBSTRING(@Input, @Len - @Cnt, 1) * 2 AS bigint), @Cnt)
SET @Cnt = @Cnt + 1
select @Output