Hello I am appending two NSDatas to form a NSMutableData using objective c . The code is given below:
NSData *data1 = key1;
NSData *data2 = encryptedData;
NSMutableData *completeData = [data1 mutableCopy];
[completeData appendData:data2];
NSLog(@"Mutable data%@", completeData);
NSLog(@"Nutable data IV: %@", [completeData base64EncodedStringWithOptions:0]);
At last I am getting a Base64 string in the form of "9G1WmT41boXfxqJeBhfngb1oq3TB7IcrQEzKqSre6vdp2fzvggv/6+MMxXL4viB3kHJmqxynsPknp4pzMx9MHIMls2lr7VGc2cWPjTG9fW+aq26cxTzkdg7lc+UPRY0b"
Is it able to separate the first 16 bytes of NSData or Base64String? Because I want to separate first 16 bytes and pass the rest .
Please tell how to do that ?
You could use subdataWithRange: to remove the 16 first bytes :
NSData * truncatedData = [completeData subdataWithRange:NSMakeRange(16, completeData.length-16)];