I am trying to reassign the year but get an error for an invalid timezone for certain timezones when using POSIX classes.
When I run this code
x <- as.POSIXct("2000-01-01", tz = "America/Costa_Rica")
year(x) <- 1972
I get this error
Error in (function (dt, year, month, yday, mday, wday, hour, minute, second, :
CCTZ: Invalid timezone of the input vector: "America/Costa_Rica"
But when I run it with EST
or UTC
it works
x <- as.POSIXct("2000-01-01", tz = "EST")
year(x) <- 1972
I get the output
"1972-01-01 EST"
But the only two timezones I could get to work are EST and UTC. I randomly tried several other timezones from OlsonNames()
and they all gave me CCTZ: Invalid timezone error. Some others that I tried were Indian/Mayotte, GMT, Etc/GMT-8.
I have made sure my Lubridate is updated and even downloaded the dev version just to try but it gave me the same errors.
Specifics: MacOS 10.15.7; R version 4.0.3; the only library I have loaded is Lubridate
I found a thread on GitHub that answers this https://github.com/tidyverse/lubridate/issues/928
It appears to be an issue with R 4.0.3 and macOS Catalina. I was able to solve my problem by using R 4.0.2 instead.