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How to check if an AWS STS access token is valid

I have a lambda function that uses AWS STS to generate temporary credentials and then sends the access token via HTTP to a Web API in an EC2 instance.

Is there a way to validate the received access token from the API?


  • Calling STS GetCallerIdentity will tell you if the credentials are usable to make API calls, and it will identify the underlying AWS account and assumed role.

    For example:

    aws sts get-caller-identity
        "UserId": "AROAABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ:xyz",
        "Account": "123456781234",
        "Arn": "arn:aws:sts::123456781234:assumed-role/somerole"

    Notes about the response object:

    • Account is the AWS account number of the account that owns/contains the calling entity
    • UserId is the unique identifier of the calling entity. The exact value depends on the type of entity that is making the call.