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PostGIS raw query returns empty set on ST_AsMVT

I am trying to generate dynamic mvt tiles using django. I used the sql query given in the documentation to generate the tiles. I changed the z,x,y as per my requirements.

WITH mvtgeom AS
  SELECT ST_AsMVTGeom(feat_polygon.geom, ST_TileEnvelope(19, 369963, 215620)) AS geom, u_id
  FROM feat_polygon
  WHERE ST_Intersects(feat_polygon.geom, ST_TileEnvelope(19, 369963, 215620))
SELECT ST_AsMVT(mvtgeom.*)
FROM mvtgeom;

This gives empty result. But if i only run the following query it returns the results:

  SELECT ST_AsMVTGeom(feat_polygon.geom, ST_TileEnvelope(19, 369963, 215620)) AS geom, u_id
  FROM feat_polygon

And if i try to run the following query it again returns the empty set.

WITH mvtgeom AS
  SELECT ST_AsMVTGeom(feat_polygon.geom, ST_TileEnvelope(19, 369963, 215620)) AS geom, u_id
  FROM feat_polygon
SELECT ST_AsMVT(mvtgeom.*)
FROM mvtgeom;


  • ST_AsMVTGeom assumes the input geometries to be projected in EPSG:3857; while it will happily return a scaled geometry for any coordinates within the (default or custom) bounds, they will not fit into the ST_TileEnvelope passed to ST_AsMVT.

    Likewise, ST_TileEnvelope returns a Polygon projected in EPSG:3857; running an ST_Intersects check against geometries with any other CRS reference will fail.

    Instead, wrap your geometries in ST_Transform:

    WITH mvtgeom AS
      SELECT u_id,
               ST_Transform(feat_polygon.geom, 3857),
               ST_TileEnvelope(19, 369963, 215620)
             ) AS geom
      FROM   feat_polygon
      WHERE  ST_Intersects(
               ST_Transform(feat_polygon.geom, 3857),
               ST_TileEnvelope(19, 369963, 215620)
    SELECT ST_AsMVT(mvtgeom.*,  feature_id_name => 'u_id')
    FROM   mvtgeom

    Note that you may want to either create a functional index on the projected geometries, i.e.

    CREATE INDEX ON feat_polygon USING GIST ((ST_Transform(geom, 3857));

    or reproject and REINDEX the table, i.e.

    ALTER TABLE feat_polygon
        USING ST_Transform(geom, 3857)

    to utilize the index in your filter.

    Pedantic note: you may also want to move the main CTE into a subquery, while outsourcing the ST_TileEnvelope into a CTE and JOIN with feat_polygon to avoid multiple calls.

    ST_AsMVT returns a BYTEA value that holds a protobuf (pbf) encoded Vector Tile: you should be able to serialize a binary protobuf response body using


    and pass it to whatever mapping framework that can decode the pbf according to the Vector Tile specs.