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Cannot create AWS ServiceCatalogProduct using cloudformation

I am trying to create a ServiceCatalogProduct using a cloudformation json file like below:

> aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name hmm --template-body file:///tmp/1.json

My cfn template file (1.json) looks like shown below. I have confirmed that the template file is valid. When I try to create the stack I get a generic error message "Failed to create following Provisioning Artifacts: [ pa-jas39ah3a1d ]". What am I missing?

    "Resources": {
        "Product": {
            "Properties": {
                "Description": "",
                "Name": "redis-DEV-shu-cluster",
                "Owner": "shubham",
                "ProvisioningArtifactParameters": [
                        "Description": "Time created (UTC): 2020-11-04T04:13:42.897954",
                        "DisableTemplateValidation": "true",
                        "Info": {
                            "LoadTemplateFromURL": ""
                        "Name": "1.0.0"
                "SupportEmail": ""
            "Type": "AWS::ServiceCatalog::CloudFormationProduct"

Here is the error in the "events" tab in cloudformation console:

enter image description here


  • A likely reason is spelling mistake:

    it should be (note s3., not s3:):