I want to make a double in a table, lets say its a restaurant for example
create table Restaurant(
RestaurantName varchar(17),
rating double?
Basically if you wanted it to be rated out of 5 the Restaurant, how would you go on doing that? So it could be like 4.25 or 3.91 or anything from 0-5.0
In MySQL 8.0, you can use a check constraint:
create table restaurant(
restaurantname varchar(17),
rating decimal(5, 4) check(rating between 0 and 5)
You probably don't need double precision to store a rating. I changed the datatype to a decimal, with 4 decimal positions.
I also assumed that you want a value between 0 and 5 inclusive. If you wanted to exclude the upper bound, then:
rating decimal(5, 4) check(rating >= 0 and rating < 5)
In earlier versions, you would typically need to implement the logic with a trigger.