I wish to add a white rectangle to the bottom of a .png image using R's magick
Dimensions of White Rectangle
Width: 1200px
Height: 50px
I think append would be useful. However, it's not clear to me how to create as opposed to read, a white rectangular image. To be specific, how do I add a white rectangle to the bottom of this car image that is 50px in height and runs the length of the image.
url <- "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1604397707219-dfe825b8a59d"
Use image_blank
to create the white rectangle. Then combine the images using image_composite
url <- "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1604397707219-dfe825b8a59d"
img <- image_read(url)
white <- image_blank(1200, 50, "white")
x <- image_info(img)$width - 1200
y <- image_info(img)$height - 50
image_composite(img, white, offset = paste0("+", x, "+", y))