I need to make a condition so that events that have a date less than the current date are not displayed in the JSON and only see the upcoming events.
class EventSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer
attributes :end_date
def end_date
date_to_show = object.stop || (object.start + 1.day).beginning_of_day
object.museum.time_zone ? ActiveSupport::TimeZone[object.match.time_zone].local_to_utc(date_to_show) : date_to_show
class FeedSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer
has_many :events, if: -> { upcoming_event }, serializer: EventSerializer
def upcoming_event
Create a custom association to filter only future events based on a date and use that in the serializer.
In Feeds model, you will have something like below along with the actual association.
has_many :events, if: -> { upcoming_event }, serializer: EventSerializer
has_many :future_events, -> { where(date < Date.today) }, class_name: 'Event' # Change the name, conditions as per your requirement.
And access the custom association in the feed serializer,
class FeedSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer
has_many :future_events