When writing GeoJSON from OpenLayers what is the default coordinate format? When writing the GeoJSON from an ExtentInteraction I get an output formatted like so:
Apologies as I'm a complete tyro. Also, didn't see it on the Openlayers website API documentation.
Additionally, is there a way to write the GeoJSON so that the coordinates are returned in a specified format. I.e. DD, DMS, and DDM
This is how I'm writing the GeoJSON now:
const extentCopy = extent.getExtent();
new GeoJSON().writeFeatures([new Feature(fromExtent(extentCopy))]);
Thanks for the admonishment in advance.
Your result is in the view projection units. For degrees use
new GeoJSON().writeFeatures(
[new Feature(fromExtent(extentCopy))],
{dataProjection: 'EPSG:4326', featureProjection: map.getView().getProjection()}