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Why is React's useEffect hook not called here before the function returns?

The useEffect hook below should set the weather variable, but it is not doing so -- instead, the React component returns before the hook is called.

Why is the useEffect hook not called before the React component returns, and how can I fix this problem?

// A React component that shows a given city's weather.
const CityWeather = ({ city }) => {
  const [weather, setWeather] = useState({})
  useEffect(() => {
      .get(`` +
        `?key=${process.env.REACT_APP_MY_SUPER_SECRET_WEATHER_API_KEY}` +
      .then(response => {
        console.log(`response is ${JSON.stringify(response)}`)

  console.log(`The value of the weather var is ${JSON.stringify(weather)}`)
  return (
      <h1>Weather in {city}</h2>
      <p>temperature: {weather.current.temp_c} Celsius</p>
      <img src={weather.current.condition.icon} alt="weather forecast"/>
      <p>wind speed: {weather.current.wind_mph} mph</p>
      <p>wind dir.: {weather.current.wind_dir}</p>


  • This is because the call to the api is asynchronous, which means that the code will continue to execute whilst the fetch happens in the background, when a response is returned it will then callback in the .then() part of the effect.

    A common practice is to show a placeholder whilst loading data:

    const CityWeather = ({ city }) => {
      const [weather, setWeather] = useState(null);
      useEffect(() => {
            `` +
              `?key=${process.env.REACT_APP_MY_SUPER_SECRET_WEATHER_API_KEY}` +
          .then((response) => {
            console.log(`response is ${JSON.stringify(response)}`);
      }, [city]);
      console.log(`The value of the weather var is ${JSON.stringify(weather)}`);
      return (
          {!weather ? (
            <h3>Loading the weather!</h3>
          ) : (
              <h2>Weather in {city}</h2>
              <p>temperature: {weather.current.temp_c} Celsius</p>
              <img src={weather.current.condition.icon} alt="weather forecast" />
              <p>wind speed: {weather.current.wind_mph} mph</p>
              <p>wind dir.: {weather.current.wind_dir}</p>

    (Also, I noticed you defaulted weather to an array ([]) which is probably causing other issues)