I have a database with columns
timeEntryIDs (Primary KEY),
Spent(Sum of two columns product), and
It has multiple timeEntries for every taskAssignmentID all added/updated at different dates.
I am trying to build an SQL query that I can run on a weekly basis to give me the TOTAL spent on every taskAssignmentID where updatedAT is greater than today's date minus 10 days.
So basically if a timeEntry has been made or updated in the last 10 days, provide the new total Spent on that taskAssignmentID.
I have tried and failed to come up with this, any help would be appreciated. Here is the best I could do:
SELECT projectName
, projectID
, clientName
, clientID
, taskName
, taskAssignmentID
, SUM(userAssignment_hourlyRate * roundedHours) AS 'Spent'
, updatedAt
BY taskAssignmentID
The problem with this is it only SUMS time entries updated in the last 10 days. I want ALL time entries for a given taskAssignmentID IF any timeEntry pointing to that taskAssignmentID has been updated in the last 10 days.
Really appreciate it!
You can use a having
select taskassignmentid, sum(userassignment_hourlyrate * roundedhours) as spent
from mytable
group by taskassignmentid
having max(updatedat) >= current_date - interval 10 day
This computes the overal spent for each taskassignmentid
whose latest updatedat
is less than 10 days old.
I fixed the original code to make it a valid aggregation query; the columns in the select
and group by
clause must be consistent: every non-aggregated column in the select
clause must be repeated in the group by
clause (left alone functionaly-dependent columns - but your question does not mention that)
don't use single quotes for identifiers (such as column aliases)! They should be used for literal strings only; use backticks for identifiers, or better yet, use identifiers that don't need to be quoted