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Custom titlepage in LaTeX

I am trying to create a custom title page in LaTeX according to my organization's template (in Word).

I managed to get close to it with the following code:


\title{La qualité de l'air en Région de Bruxelles-Capitale}
\newcommand{\subtitle}{Rapport annuel 2019}



\newlength{\logoheight}\setlength{\logoheight}{\logowidth*\ratio{592pt}{1538pt}}% image size : 1538 x 592
\cellcolor{blueBE}&\includegraphics[width=\logowidth]{ILLU_FR_LogoBE.jpg}&\cellcolor{greenBE}\color{white}{RAPPORT TECHNIQUE}











and the image logo ILLU_FR_LogoBE.jpgenter image description here

However, as you can notice below, the text "RAPPORT TECHNIQUE" on top of the first page is enlarging the height of the row. Instead, I would like to center it vertically in the middle of the logo.

What am I doing wrong ?

Many thanks,


enter image description here


  • You could use \usepackage[export]{adjustbox} and then play around with different valign options for the graphic.

    \title{La qualité de l'air en Région de Bruxelles-Capitale}
    \newcommand{\subtitle}{Rapport annuel 2019}
    \newlength{\logoheight}\setlength{\logoheight}{\logowidth*\ratio{592pt}{1538pt}}% image size : 1538 x 592
    \cellcolor{blueBE}&\includegraphics[width=\logowidth,valign=t]{ILLU_FR_LogoBE.jpg}&\cellcolor{greenBE}\color{white}RAPPORT TECHNIQUE

    enter image description here