i have a tomcat box , which has spring active profile set already, as a command line argument every time a spring app is deployed through catalina.
i am using spring cloud config server , so in config client i specify active profile in bootstrap.yml , but as i mention earlier it is overriden by tomcat command line argument .
how to override the command line argument passed through tomcat , with my boostrap.yml at the time of bootstrap context loading so that i can pass active profile from my bootstrap.yml to config server.
Tomcat set environment command (which i cannot change as i dont have access)
JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Djava.library.path=/path -Dspring.profiles.active=e2"
active: e2,cron
uri: http://localhost:8888
name: heartbeat_monitor.
Command line argument(-Dspring.profiles.active=e2) will always override your properties file, no matter how many hardcoded profiles you specify in your yaml file. I would suggest you to add additional profile to be set programatically at the runtime and keep two property files with -profilename
before the .yml extension.
This could be done as follows:
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication app = new SpringApplication(DemoApplication.class);
// Keep all the properties which is specific to e2 profile.
// Keep all the properties which is specific to cron profile.
In this way, you can keep both the profiles in use .But, if a property is common in both the bootstrap files, then program will pick the property from that bootstrap file whose profile
matches with the runtime args : -Dspring.profiles.active