I need to import a zip file that will contain only xml files.
My wizard looks like this:
class ZipImportsWizard(models.Model):
_name = 'import.zip.dte'
type = fields.Selection([('purchase', 'Purchases'),('sale', 'Sales'),], string="Type", default="purchase")
file = fields.Binary(string='ZIP File', store=True)
I need to open this zip file and check the content. If the content is OK, I have to send this to another method.
The problem is, when I upload the file, it converts to a Binary file, so I can't user zipfile library to work with it.
How can I convert this Binary file to a Zip file again to work with it?
I was able to find a solution by myself, but also thanks to @astronautlevel anwers in this Similar question
from odoo import fields, models, _
from odoo.exceptions import UserError, ValidationError
import zipfile
import tempfile
class ZipImportsWizard(models.Model):
_name = 'import.zip.dte'
type = fields.Selection([('purchase', 'Purchases'),('sale', 'Sales'),], string="Type", default="purchase")
file = fields.Binary(string='ZIP File', store=True)
file_name = fields.Char('File name')
def read_files_from_zip(self):
file = base64.decodestring(self.zip_file)
fobj = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
fname = fobj.name
zipzip = self.zip_file
f = open(fname, 'r+b')
data = f.read()
pos = data.find(b'\x50\x4b\x05\x06')
f.seek(pos + 22)
with zipfile.ZipFile(f, 'r') as zip_file:
# do some stuff