I am running Qtranslate for my website see: http://www.businessinstitute.nl/
I am very impressed by this plugin. Now my only problem is that I cannot set a custom title and description for my homepage per language. I can only setup one line for the title in the general settings for my website.
I have installed Qtranslate META where I can set a custom title and description per page, but my only problem is the homepage.
As you tagged PHP in your question, here is a pure PHP way to address the "problem":
Here is a quick implementation that is not dependent on 3rd party software / plugin:
$website_titles = array ('en' => 'my cool website',
'fr' => 'mon site cool',
'zn' => '我的酷网站');
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']) && isset($website_titles[$_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']])) {
echo '<title>' . $website_titles[$_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']] . '</title>';
} else {
// print default title
echo '<title>my cool website</title>';