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Cannot stop Updates with stopUpdatingLocation and stopRelativeAltitudeUpdates

I am building a paragliding app for watchOS, that can display and log values like altitude, speed, glide ratio and so on.

So far I built the UI, integrated some settings and I am receiving pressure sensor data and gps location. To save battery life I included a "stop button" that triggers the locationManager.stopUpdatingLocation and CMAltimeter.stopRelativeAltitudeUpdates functions. But in the console I can see still location and altitude updates coming in.

I uploaded the code to . The interesting file is probably the ControlsView, here I declare and call the relevant functions.

    func stopLocation() {

I appreciate every bit of help I can get, this is my first time writing an App! :)

Cheers Luke


  • The problem is this line:

    @ObservedObject var locationManager = LocationManager()

    Every time the ControlsView is regenerated, that line runs afresh. So the LocationManager is a different LocationManager. So you are telling a LocationManager's CLLocationManager to stop updating, but this is a different CLLocationManager from the one that started.

    Instead, make this a singleton environment object so that your app has just one LocationManager with just one CLLocationManager. That way, each time you talk to it, you are talking to the same one.