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Knockoutjs checked binding function call issue

I am trying to call a function when the check box is checked and set the field values accordingly. The checkbox and the address fields are like below

<div class="form-check">
   <input class="form-check-input position-static" type="checkbox" id="SameAsShippingAddress" value="SameAsShippingAddress" data-bind="checked: sameAsShippingAddress" />
   <label>Check this box if Shipping Address and Billing Address are the same.</label>
 <div class="row">
     <div class="col-md-6">
        <h4>Shipping Address:</h4>
           <div class="form-group required">
             <label for="EmailCompetitor" class="control-label">Email:</label>
             <input type="email" maxlength="150" id="EmailCompetitor" name="EmailCompetitor" class="form-control" data-bind="value: emailCompetitor" required />

            <div class="form-group required">
              <label for="FirstNameCompetitor" class="control-label">First Name:</label>
              <input type="text" maxlength="150" id="FirstNameCompetitor" name="FirstNameCompetitor" class="form-control" data-bind="value: firstNameCompetitor" required />

    <div class="col-md-6">
       <h4>Billing Address:</h4>
       <div class="form-group required">
           <label for="EmailCompetitor_Billing" class="control-label">Email:</label>
           <input type="email" maxlength="150" id="EmailCompetitor_Billing" name="EmailCompetitor_Billing" class="form-control" data-bind="value: emailCompetitor_Billing" required />

        <div class="form-group required">
           <label for="FirstNameCompetitor_Billing" class="control-label">First Name:</label>
           <input type="text" maxlength="150" id="FirstNameCompetitor_Billing" name="FirstNameCompetitor_Billing" class="form-control" data-bind="value: firstNameCompetitor_Billing" required />

I want the check box boolean value captured seperately as well as when check box is checked it needs to call the function. So in js I have like

var orderRequestFormViewModel = function () {
    var self = this;
    self.currentPage = ko.observable(1);
    self.referringPage = ko.observable();
    self.sameAsShippingAddress = ko.observable().extend({ required: false });

     self.sameAsShippingAddress = function () {
     if (this.checked) {
      } else {

But when the checkbox is checked/unchecked this function is not being called at all

enter image description here

I tried put the breakpoint but the function is not being it. New to this JS world, any help is greatly appreciated


  • Hey I made you a little snippet to show you that it works perfectly fine when using an observable and checked binding, when checkbox is checked, it is "true" if not it´s "false"

    To make custom stuff like setting .val() of other input just use a computed function, it will be called whenever isChecked changes

    var model = function () {
        var self = this;
        self.isChecked = ko.observable(false);
        self.doStuffWhenChecked = ko.computed(function(){
    var vm = new model();
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <label>Check this: </label>
    <input type="checkbox" data-bind="checked: isChecked">
    <span data-bind="visible: isChecked()"> Only show when checked </span>
    <input type="text" id="textinput" >