When using rsync, it is possible to create the target directory on the server using the --rsync-path trick as follows:
rsync -av -e "ssh" --rsync-path "mkdir -p /home/user/new/new && rsync" ./file.txt user@
This however does not seem to work when using an ssh tunnel. The following command just hangs:
rsync -av -e "ssh -A user@ ssh" --rsync-path "mkdir -p /home/user/new/new && rsync" ./file.txt user@
I have verified the last command works if I remove the --rsync-path argument and create the directory manually on the target device. But how to make rsync create the missing directory when using ssh tunneling?
Managed to solve it. The command inside --rsync-path must be wrapped in another level of quotes:
rsync -av -e "ssh -A user@ ssh" --rsync-path "'mkdir -p /home/user/new/new && rsync'" ./file.txt user@