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Difficulties when web scraping job offers on LinkedIn

I have been trying to scrape the job offer section for LinkedIn for a while but to no avail. By the way, I know the site has its own API but I want to do it with Beautiful Soup since I learned a while ago and it is for practising purposes.

Here is my code:

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

client = requests.Session()

URL = ''

html = client.get(HOMEPAGE_URL).content
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser")

login_information = {
    'loginCsrfParam': '<csrftoken>',
    p =, data=login_information)
    print ("Login Successful")
    print ("Failed to Login")

All good until here. I get "Login Succesful" but then when I ask for the "status code" I get 403:

Output: 403

And of course I can't scrape any info. How can I do it in the proper way?


  • You don't really have to re-invent the wheel. There's a module called, surprise, surprise, linkedin-api for accessing all sorts of LinkedIn data (including jobs) via so-called Voyager service.

    Example usage:

    from linkedin_api import Linkedin
    # Authenticate using any Linkedin account credentials
    api = Linkedin('', '*******')
    # GET a profile
    profile = api.get_profile('billy-g')
    # GET a profiles contact info
    contact_info = api.get_profile_contact_info('billy-g')
    # GET 1st degree connections of a given profile
    connections = api.get_profile_connections('1234asc12304')

    I'm sharing this because you might have a really hard time scraping LinkedIn with good old BeautifulSoup and requests. Also, a note of caution, do not use your personal account for any scraping activities on LinkedIn.