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Will the output of the HTML-to-Fable/Elmish tool also work for Giraffe's ViewEngine?

If I paste the output of an HTML-based design tool into Mangel Maxime's (or, Maxime Mangel's?) HTML-to-Fable/Elmish Convertor, will that output work if provided to Giraffe's ViewEngine (i.e. HTML DSL)?

Superficially, both formats look very similar, and it would be great if this happened to work.


  • no it wont work the DSL are differents: For exemple for this HTML page:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en-EN">
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://an_url/file.css">
        <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/png" href="/favicon.png">
        <div id="elmish-app"></div>
        <script>var __INIT_STATE__ = "{\"SomeValueKey\":\"SomeValue\",\"AnotherValueKey\":\"AnotherValue\"}"</script><script src="http://localhost:8080/app.js"></script>
        <script src="http://localhost:8080/style.js"></script>
        <script src="http://localhost:8080/vendors~app.js"></script>
        <script src="http://localhost:8080/vendors~app~style.js"></script>

    The elmish counterpart would be:

    html [ Lang "en-EN" ] [ 
        head [] [ 
            meta [ CharSet "utf-8" ]
            link [ Rel "stylesheet"; Href "https://an_url/file.css" ]
            link [ Rel "shortcut icon"; Type "image/png"; Href "/favicon.png" ] ]
        body [] [ 
          div [ Id "elmish-app" ]
            [ ]
          script [ ] [ str "var __INIT_STATE__ = \"{\"SomeValueKey\":\"SomeValue\",\"AnotherValueKey\":\"AnotherValue\"}\"" ]
          script [ Src "http://localhost:8080/app.js" ] [ ]
          script [ Src "http://localhost:8080/style.js" ] [ ]
          script [ Src "http://localhost:8080/vendors~app.js" ] []
          script [ Src "http://localhost:8080/vendors~app~style.js"] [] 

    the GiraffeViewEngine counterpart would be:

    html [ _lang lang] [
            head [] [
                meta [ _charset "utf-8"]
                meta [ _data "data-virtualpath" virtualPath ]
                link [ _rel "stylesheet"; _href (sprintf "%O" portfolioUrl) ]
                link [ _rel "shortcut icon"; _type "image/png"; _href "/favicon.png" ]
            body [] [
                div [_id "elmish-app"] []
                script [] [ rawText "var __INIT_STATE__ = \"{\"SomeValueKey\":\"SomeValue\",\"AnotherValueKey\":\"AnotherValue\"}\"" ]
                script [ _src (sprintf "%O%s" assetsBaseUrl "app.js") ] []
                script [ _src (sprintf "%O%s" assetsBaseUrl "style.js") ] []
                script [ _src (sprintf "%O%s" assetsBaseUrl "vendors~app.js") ] []
                script [ _src (sprintf "%O%s" assetsBaseUrl "vendors~app~style.js") ] []

    Still it is very close, you should be able to adapt it very quickly by adding _ to all attributes and convert them to lowercase.